Russel Staples


Personal Video Game Project

June 2020 - Present

I am currently developing an action RPG with original art and music. It is written in the Godot Engine using GDScript, an object-oriented programming language similar to Python. You can try out a short demo below (click on the game viewport before pressing enter or space on the starting screen if it isn't responding).


Game of Life Project

October 2021

I modelled Conway's Game of Life in C++ with graphics using OpenGL. Conway's Game of Life is a cellular automaton that models a system of cells, using rules to determine their survival. You can view the source code or a short video of the system as it runs below.

Source code Video

Picture Evolution Project

September 2021

I created a program in Python that uses a generational loop, mutation, selection, and genetic crossover to evolve a picture that looks similar to a sample photo given. You can view the source code or short videos of pictures in my program evolving below.

Source code Videos

Operating System Project

March 2021 - May 2021

I collaborated with two other students to create a simple os in C with a command-line shell, file system, and the ability to run processes in parallel. The source code and some pictures of the shell when it's running are available below.

Source code Pictures

Software Architecture Project

December 2020 - February 2021

I created a system in Java with two other students for handling coffee orders using various design patterns such as strategy pattern, decorator pattern, and factory pattern. I included the source code and a picture of the uml we used to model the design of the system.

Source code UML

Interpreter Project

September 2020 - November 2020

I designed an interpreter with a team in Scheme to parse source code, translate the code into a set of instructions, and execute the instructions.

Source code

Super Smash Bros Database

March 2020 - May 2020

I designed and implemented a database with a small team of other students using Transact-SQL in Microsoft SQL server to track games, characters, and other data from the video game series Super Smash Bros. System also included front-end access application designed in Java. The original database is no longer available, but I've included a link to the code for the front-end application and the ER diagram we used to design the database.

Source code ER

Processor Project

December 2019 - February 2020

I worked with a team to design and implement a 16-bit processor and instruction set, and ran the Euclidean Algorithm. Tested the datapath using Xilinx ISE Design Suite. A picture of the datapath is linked below.


Roman Roads Project

September 2019 - November 2019

I worked with a team to create a map representing ancient Roman locations and roads using Java. Implemented Dijkstra’s algorithm and a graph to find the shortest path between two points of interest. Created a GUI using Java Swing for user interactivity. You can view the source code below.

Source code

Bubble Bobble Project

December 2018 - February 2019

I designed and implemented a video game in Java inspired by the classic arcade game Bubble Bobble with a small group. Included multiplayer functionality and multiple levels. You can view the source code below.

Source code